
In 2022, several organizations including the Food Bank and Food Recovery Program reported never-seen-before levels of usage of their services. Community Outreach Services also reported a high number of clients citing food insecurity as a reason to seek support.

A report on these trends was brought to Municipal Council and they struck a time-limited Food Security Working Group to come up with recommendations to improve food security for the residents of Jasper.

That working group recommended that a food security coalition (or the like) be formed in order to:

  • Identify the food related strengths and opportunities we have as a community

  • Develop a coordinated approach to supporting food security and responding to emerging needs

  • Increase the understanding of what food security means and how individuals and businesses can be part of the solution  

The Jasper Food Alliance was created in 2023. The Jasper Food Alliance (JFA) is a group of individuals, organizations and local businesses who are committed to creating the conditions in Jasper where all individuals and families have access to healthy, balanced food options that meet their diverse needs.


We work together across sectors and organizations to foster food security in Jasper.

Our values


We are inspired by the local community and the changing needs of the people we serve.


At the heart of what we do is our
compassion and empathy for those living with food insecurity.


We are committed to
thinking outside of the box and being creative about food security solutions.


The community we serve is diverse and our food system needs to meet a diversity of food needs.


We know systems and processes need to be embraced and embedded in the community they serve to be sustainable.


We foster a culture of continuous learning, growth and improvement in our work.